Crash test - Unrestrained child standing in the car
Crash test
A BMW 3 Series convertible has an offset head-on collision with an Opel Omega station wagon. During the collision, the child dummy standing in the BMW between the front seats is flung forward against both the front windscreen and the dashboard. In both cases, the child dummy strikes its head before coming to rest on the front passenger seat.
A BMW 3 Series convertible has an offset head-on collision with an Opel Omega station wagon. During the collision, the child dummy standing in the BMW between the front seats is flung forward against both the front windscreen and the dashboard. In both cases, the child dummy strikes its head before coming to rest on the front passenger seat.
BMW 3 Series convertible (speed: approx. 55 km/h)
Opel Omega station wagon (speed: approx. 55 km/h)
BMW 3 Series convertible (speed: approx. 55 km/h)
Opel Omega station wagon (speed: approx. 55 km/h)
The strong head impact would have left the child very little chance of survival. The measured deceleration of up to 90 g is equivalent to 90 times the child‘s body weight (approx. 30 kg).
The strong head impact would have left the child very little chance of survival. The measured deceleration of up to 90 g is equivalent to 90 times the child‘s body weight (approx. 30 kg).
The child was completely unrestrained in the car.
The child was completely unrestrained in the car.
Avoidance measures, mitigation of consequences/
strategy for road safety measures
Had the child been properly restrained in a child seat suitable for its body size and weight, this would have significantly mitigated the consequences of the accident.
strategy for road safety measures
Had the child been properly restrained in a child seat suitable for its body size and weight, this would have significantly mitigated the consequences of the accident.