Traffic Environments for People
Traffic Environments for People

Road Safety Report 2024

Getting from A to B safely requires, among other things, a functioning, safe road infrastructure. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 50 million people are injured in road traffic accidents every year, around 1.2 million of them fatally. The causes are manifold. However, the design and condition of the road infrastructure often play a negative role – as contributory factors or by increasing the consequences of accidents. The DEKRA Road Safety Report 2024 sheds light on numerous problem areas relating to this topic.

More than ever before, road infrastructure is caught between a wide range of demands. Add to this the rapid change in mobility behavior in many parts of the world. Further developments in the areas of sensor technology, computing power and battery capacity have created new forms of mobility or revolutionized existing ones. This change is taking place faster than it is possible to adapt the infrastructure.
In view of these complex challenges, careful planning and implementation of appropriate measures are more important than ever in order to avoid accidents altogether or at least minimize their consequences. The requirements for the road and the associated side space depend on many parameters – such as the purpose of the road, the expected traffic volume and the modal split, i.e. the use of the road by different modes of transport. Last but not least, who bears the costs for planning, (re)construction and maintenance also plays a role. But it doesn't matter whether infrastructure is designed for mixed traffic, as are local and rural roads, or whether it is reserved for certain groups of users, as are pedestrian zones, cycle highways or freeways: The focus must always be on safety.
Safe Infrastructure Saves Lives
Digitalization and automation have entered our lives and are increasingly permeating the mobility sector. The terms "highly automated driving" or "autonomous driving" are on everyone's lips and are seen as the supposed silver bullet for solving fundamental traffic problems. The challenges associated with this will be described in detail in this report.
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Transport Infrastructure Policy Requires a Holistic Approach
No matter the type of road user, the reason for the journey, or the distance covered: suitable, reliable transport infrastructure is essential for satisfying a fundamental criterion of mobility – getting safely from A to B.
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Read the entire Road Safety Report 2024 now!
Accidents, the human factor, technology and infrastructure – plus numerous accident examples and statements by experts from all over the world: The 2023 DEKRA Road Safety Report examines the topic of "technology and people" from different perspectives.
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